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HELP bring GAMECOLONY.COM games to mobile devices and touch-screen Windows!

HELP bring GAMECOLONY.COM games to mobile devices and touch-screen Windows!
Posted by webmaster (moderator) Jul 10 2014 11:59AM

<b>Thank you for playing at!</b> We are committed to continue bringing you classic board and card games of skill. has always welcomed all our players free of charge. We would like to continue providing our tight-knit gaming community with free access to our games, forums and ladders while at the same time improving our current games for PC and MAC users and bringing most games to all mobile devices. Help us make improvements to by joining our <A href=>Kickstarter</a> campaign! <B>Become a part of GameColony club!</B> For Every Kickstarter contribution you make, Gamecolony will respond in kind: get free tickets, merchandise or ad-free games, lightning fast customer support or individual support from GameColony webmaster. Raising enough funds would allow Gamecolony to improve its current infrastructure, add new apps and improve existing apps and upgrade its PC and Mac based games. <B>Join our <A href=>Kickstarter</a> campaign today!</b>

Hints and tips...
Posted by GoBigOne (VIP) Jul 11 2014 3:55AM

Hi, I love the ambitious approach you are finally making to help let more players aware how wonderful the games really can be ! Unfortunately the video clip is lacking " skill ", whereas, maybe a presenter that can actually show some enthusiasm ( a player can provide this, hint hint ). Something non scripted would prove more interesting. Mentioning facts relating to being able to actually play for the worlds most popular games like Gin and Backgammon head-to-head for as little as $0.50. Mentioning other facts like how long GC has been in business would also help build trust in future players. The next thing to do would be to make the pledge donation a lot simpler by offering PayPal instead of Amazon. I can only imagine how many visits the possible pledgers have given to through to the Amazon page and then given up because they either dont have an Amazon account or simply dont remember their log in info. Please consider my tips.

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